
exelanzgirija avatar image
exelanzgirija asked youngscholarsacademy75 sent

PHP: Getting "Please provide either raw pan or encrypted pan" during Card Token generation

Below is my php code for Encrypt card data:


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);


//Code not working for line 7 and 8



include 'vendor/autoload.php';

use phpseclib3\Crypt\PublicKeyLoader;

use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA;

use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger;

use phpseclib3\Net\SSH2;

//card number

$card_number = "4242424242424242";

//Get Public Encryption Key from CDN ...




//Parse the Base64 public key string (returned by the CDN). Obtain the modulus and exponent.

$pa_key = bin2hex( base64_decode( $TA_PUBLIC_KEYS['TA_PUBLIC_KEY_DEV'] ) );

$modulus = substr( $pa_key, 0, 512 );

$exponent = substr( $pa_key, -5 );

//Generate an RSA public key using the modulus and exponent values.

$rsa_public_key = PublicKeyLoader::load(


'e' => new BigInteger( $exponent, 16 ),

'n' => new BigInteger( $modulus, 16 ),



//print_r($rsa_public_key); exit;

//Prepend the prefix value to the card number.

//Using the public key, encrypt the combined prefix and card number.

openssl_public_encrypt( '00000000'.$card_number, $encrypted, $rsa_public_key, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING );

$pan = base64_encode( $encrypted );



It is generating an encrypted pan code. While using this code for encryption the "Please provide either raw pan or encrypted pan" error is coming. What am i doing wrong?

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