
creativeone avatar image
creativeone asked creativeone answered

Clover-hosted iframe payment with Oath token

We are Using the Clover-hosted iframe for payment processing.

I have completed most of the steps excluding mentioned in and I stuck with "Creating a charge" functionality where it asks for OAuth-generated auth_token.

Can you please help me to generate OAuth-generated auth_token, So i can finish the payment functionality.


access token
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creativeone avatar image
creativeone answered

Hi David,

Your suggestion worked for me.

As i am using a single merchant, The private key on dashboard worked for me.

Thanks a lot.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Can you provide a bit of information about your integration? Are you a merchant? Creating an integration for a single merchant? Or are you building an app that will be used by multiple merchants?

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