
xtiansimon avatar image
xtiansimon asked badotec5 answered

Clover REST Order API -- Getting a Line Item's Tax property

Need help constructing the call to the Clover REST API to get (Part 1) accurate and stable line item categories and (Part 2) distribute taxable/non-taxable sales within categories.

Currently we are using the Order API to collect individual orders within a single date, then aggregating this detail we finally determine a daily accounting record (EG. sales, sales tax, payments, tips, etc.)

Part 2

Inventory Items can be taxable or non-taxable. In the Clover GUI this is shown on any Inventory Item page (see screen shot below).

2) Where is the `Taxes and fees` property or which property in the Items API determines the `Taxes and fees` value? See example data from the Items API (Code Example 2 below).


CODE EXAMPLE 2 - Inventory Item example from the Items API

"id": "TWEVYAAD31Q7A",
             "hidden": false,
             "available": true,
             "autoManage": false,
             "name": "PLAIN CREAM CHEESE",
             "alternateName": "",
             "code": "",
             "sku": "",
             "price": 261,
             "priceType": "FIXED",
             "defaultTaxRates": true,
             "unitName": "",
             "cost": 0,
             "isRevenue": true,
             "stockCount": 0,
             "categories": {
                 "elements": [
                         "id": "MFQA5EAXZSE6P",
                         "name": "FOO",
                         "sortOrder": 10,
                         "deleted": false
                         "id": "H462D82YQYZ34",
                         "name": "Bagels w/",
                         "sortOrder": 0,
                         "deleted": false
             "modifiedTime": 1709141498000,
             "priceWithoutVat": 0,
             "deleted": false

item.png (30.8 KiB)
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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered xtiansimon commented
1 comment
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xtiansimon avatar image xtiansimon commented ·
Super. Thank you.
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wimenag6 avatar image
wimenag6 answered

To get a line item's tax property, you'll need to access the relevant data fields in your accounting or invoicing software. Typically, this involves identifying the specific line item in your invoice or sales record and checking the associated tax properties, such as tax rate, tax type, and any applicable tax exemptions. This information is usually found in the detailed settings or properties section of each line item, ensuring accurate tax calculations and compliance with tax regulations.

When considering investments or transactions, like when you decide to Sell property in costa del sol understanding these tax properties becomes crucial. Properly managing these details can significantly impact your financial outcomes and legal compliance. If you're navigating property sales in regions like Costa del Sol, being thorough with such details ensures smoother transactions and better financial planning.

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badotec5 avatar image
badotec5 answered

By keeping a close eye on Wake County market analysis, you can anticipate how shifts in property values might impact your tax obligations, whether you're a current homeowner or looking to invest. Similarly, monitoring Pinellas County property values will provide insights into potential tax changes in that region, helping you make informed decisions.

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