
rastech29 avatar image
rastech29 asked michak78 edited

Unable to send order to Developer Account what is the rest api url for developer accounts


User our php app we can send orders fine to our clover sandbox. But I try to send to send order to Clover Developer account it doesn't work. What is the base url for developer account.

is it ?

As per our understanding we can create an app on the following two portal.

1. - sandbox - for initial development and testing

2. - Developer - for production

Presently our application is working fine under sandbox environment and we are able to see our orders under the merchants located in and to submit orders this the base url we are using

However when we try to submit orders Developer for production environment nothing happens. We can generate Token fine in Developer for production environment. To generate token we are using base url. To submit orders we are using' is this correct? or should we use another URL.



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michak78 avatar image
michak78 answered michak78 edited

The base URL for the Clover Developer account in Water Purifier Manufacturer a production environment is different from the one used in the sandbox environment. To submit orders to a Clover Developer account for production, you should use the following base URL:


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However, please note that in a production environment, you need to use the specific merchant ID associated with the Clover Developer account you are targeting. Each merchant has a unique merchant ID, and you need to replace 'merchant_id' in the URL above with the actual merchant ID of the merchant where you want to submit orders.

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