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jason-2 asked jason-2 published

402 Payment Required when saving Customer card (EComm iFrame)

I am working on a system for a client that saves a credit card to a customer and then later uses it to make a charge. I'm using the ecomm iframe. I have oauth login and refresh tokens working fine and saving that to the database. The second step is for the user to enter a credit card number. The iframe generates a token and that is sent/saved to my database. Then, I call the ecomm API to create a customer and, finally, save the credit card to the customer (removing any existing ones first). The issues I am getting is that no matter how I call it, I am getting a 402 error when trying to do the PUT on the customer. Specifically, I am getting...

 array (
    'message' => '402 Payment Required',
    'error' => 
    array (
      'type' => 'card_error',
      'code' => 'card_declined',
      'message' => 'Token verification failed for token clv_1TSTS4Ph6NhgAvJ9vHNXAc7H',

This all happens withing seconds of the client side having created the token.

I have tried everything I can think of. Searched this community and found nothing that helps. I've tried all of the test credit card numbers. I see a lot of people reporting this error, but never see any response or actual solution.

I am new to Clover API, so there is a good chance I'm causing the problem.

Thanks in advance,


e-commerce apiCustomers
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