
demwarlord avatar image
demwarlord asked demwarlord published

Payment declined, Sandbox, Magento, One account, Multiple Merchants



Please help me understand why I get the error (showed on 1st picture). I have 1 test developer account and 4 Merchants (locations). I want to set up Magento to accept payments for different merchants. When I set up Ecommerce API Tokens for (1) merchant, all works, the CC is accepted.
CC:4242 4242 4242 4242 2/28 CVV:123
But when I set up Ecommerce API Tokens for any of (2,3,4) merchants, I have the error from above.
No matter what CC I use. 5405 9800 0000 8303 or 4005 5192 0000 0004 from the documentation, or 4242 4242 4242 4242.

e-commerce apiSandboxMerchantPaymentConnector
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