
bravoup avatar image
bravoup asked lucas-f answered

Pending Developer Approval

app: bravo merchant

<br> version: 1.0.2

<br> uploaded time:3:50 PM Feb 12, 2024

<br> Status:Pending Developer Approval


question: what shall we do? wait? how long?

developer platfom
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Please email for all developer account and app approval inquires

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered

We sent this email, but we never got an answer. We have two customers waiting for this approval, and no one has answered.

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered

We still can't get an answer, and we're not sure what to do. Customers are super frustrated with Clover.

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered

No answers anywhere..... what a nightmare

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lucas-f avatar image
lucas-f answered

@diegoterra we have also emailed this same email and have not gotten any answers. Our app has been pending for more than 3+ months now.

Please email us at and I would like to see if we can assist each other in getting Clover's attention for our approvals.

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