
salikkabir avatar image
salikkabir asked David Marginian answered

Receipt Data Total Amount Different Compared to GetOrder Data Total Amount


I am trying to figure out if the price of an item in my database is different than the actual price of an item in clover.

I did the following:
1. Created an item in Clover (price: $20)
2. Synced the item to my database
3. Changed the price of the item in Clover (price: $25)
4. Placed an order into Clover using the item that was created with a price of ($20)
5. Clover accepted the order fine

When I look at the receipt:

I can see that the order total (27.50 is greater than total paid 22.50 [pre-tip, including taxes calculated by clover])

However, when I use GetOrder endpoint:

The response states that the total without tax is 22.50 - I was expecting 27.50 like it is shown on the receipt and amount paid is (25.80)

    "href": "",
    "id": "TCZEW4TM2ZW8W",
    "currency": "USD",
    "customers": {
        "elements": [
                "href": "",
                "id": "07JQ5S86MA8TM"
    "employee": {
        "id": "JPMP8STF4SQYT"
    "total": 2250,
    "externalReferenceId": "XXXXXXXX",
    "paymentState": "PAID",
    "title": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "note": "#customer: XXXXXXXXX #order-notes:  ",
    "orderType": {
        "id": "3VW5TYZSB8R10"
    "taxRemoved": false,
    "isVat": false,
    "state": "locked",
    "manualTransaction": false,
    "groupLineItems": false,
    "testMode": false,
    "payType": "FULL",
    "createdTime": 1625082955000,
    "clientCreatedTime": 1625082955000,
    "modifiedTime": 1625082958000,
    "payments": {
        "elements": [
                "id": "JE297TKDQGAXE",
                "order": {
                    "id": "TCZEW4TM2ZW8W"
                "tender": {
                    "href": "",
                    "id": "2PPPBB8D999AM"
                "amount": 2250,
                "tipAmount": 330,
                "taxAmount": 250,
                "employee": {
                    "id": "JPMP8STF4SQYT"
                "createdTime": 1625082958000,
                "clientCreatedTime": 1625082956000,
                "modifiedTime": 1625082957000,
                "offline": false,
                "result": "SUCCESS"

I have noticed that the Payment state can fluctuate from PAID to OPEN to PARTIALLY_PAID.

I noticed that usually if the Clover machine is on that is when you are most likely to get the PARTIALLY_PAID state.

Do you know why there can be a discrepancy between the receipt and GetOrder?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

When you make the request to create the order you are setting the order total to 2250. The web receipt doesn't use the total you set, it recalculates it based on the state of the order when the receipt is generated.

10 |2000

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