
amitchawla avatar image
amitchawla asked bryanvargas commented

Missing Menu options in Sandbox account

We are developing an app in the Sandbox account which need to upload for testing. however there are a lot of missing options in our sandbox account which are not letting us test the app. I am attaching the screenshots. of two account.

one image is our sandbox account where options are missing and other is the account where all options are visible.

sandbox with missing menu items.png

screenshot from all menu options available.png

How can we get the missing options made available for us to move forward with the project?

OrdersSandboxInventoryOAuthapp approvals
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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered bryanvargas commented

There is a test merchant dashboard setting in your developer portal to edit their service plans:

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amitchawla avatar image amitchawla commented ·

i checked this setting and it is available for only the US market whereas my app is targetted for Ireland. Is there any alternative?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ amitchawla commented ·

Can you send a secure message of your test merchant so i can change it, if you are unable to send a secure message, please email the request to DevRel and they would be able to assist you:

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