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360winery asked

Secure network pay display - iOS integration - FLEX3


Our system incorporates a semi-integrated Clover app to facilitate payments.

For our iOS app, we implemented the Clover SDK from GitHub link( and employed the "Secure Network Pay Display" for pairing Flex devices with iPad.

The issue at hand pertains specifically to a particular merchant, where the expected functionality is not being achieved. Despite installing the certificate on the iPad and configuring the necessary settings, when initiating the pairing process in the Network Pay Display, the Manager Authorization code page does not appear as anticipated. It stays on QR Code page in the Clover Flex Device. This issue is specific to Flex 3, as we have successfully used Flex 2 for the last two of our merchants.

Kindly, let us know if you have any insights or recommendations to address this matter.

secure network pay displayRemote Pay iOS
10 |2000

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