
khetik avatar image
khetik asked talharizwaan answered

Clover station network issue

I have 2 clover station devices. One is plugged directly to the router and works pretty well. The second is connected through an unmanaged switch (net gear gs108) which also has a printer and one other device hardwired. The run to the switch is about 50ft.

The second device does not connect through Ethernet or wifi, but will if I use a personal hotspot through my phone. In diagnostics everything has a red X next to it (payments disconnected, etc.)

I’m being told it is an internet issue, but my internet provider has come 4 times, and tell me I have zero internet issue. Everything but the second clover device works. Clover claims the device is perfectly fine.

This has been going on for nearly a year.

Clover Station
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Are you a Clover merchant? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.

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kenneth56 avatar image
kenneth56 answered

Thank you for sharing this..

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russel2 avatar image
russel2 answered russel2 edited

What troubleshooting steps can be taken to diagnose why the second Clover station device is unable to connect to the network through the unmanaged switch, despite the first device functioning correctly? 101 games

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talharizwaan avatar image
talharizwaan answered

Thank you guys for the support, I was having issues with one of my devices, but it is now solved.

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