
tejveerk avatar image
tejveerk asked cherry commented

How to update payment of an order and close the order using APIs/SDK?


We are using Clover station and clover Go device to process payments.As per Clover Go specification we can process payments using External payment Id and not the order id. We want to process payment of an order partially on the Clover Station device and process remaining amount payment using Clover go. But we cannot do it because Clover go doesn't process payment on the basis of order id. As per @kedar.deo we should process remaining amount payment through clover Go and update that payment to the order created by Clover Station. Is it possible to update payment of an order? If so, how to do it? @David Marginian @Raymond Lee @rachel @Sam@justin.a@keithryanwong@Greg@Jeffrey BlattmanRaymond Lee ♦♦Mark Mullan ♦@kedar.deo @varsha.a @David Marginian
OrdersClover MiniClover StationClover Go
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Thank you for sharing such a nice information

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