When trying to update a token with Clover the process stalls and the token is not update or created, it just keeps on loading, nothing else.
When trying to update a token with Clover the process stalls and the token is not update or created, it just keeps on loading, nothing else.
Can you provide more details on which process in the refresh token you are at. And are there any errors in the console logs?
Merchant Token update Process , when i update token i get 404 page and all these errors show in console
errors Below :--
instrumentMethod.ts:61 Refused to connect to 'https://t.clarity.ms/collect' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' c.6sc.co ipv6.6sc.co secure.adnxs.com collection.bgalytics.com bat.bing.com *.browser-intake-datadoghq.com https://a.clarity.ms *.clover.com wss://*.clover.com cloverstatic.com dev.cloverstatic.com *.contentful.com *.ctfassets.net *.datadoghq.com *.g.doubleclick.net *.evidon.com www.facebook.com oamportal.fdvs.com secure.geonames.org *.google-analytics.com www.google-analytics.com analytics.google.com apis.google.com www.google.com maps.googleapis.com storage.googleapis.com *.googletagmanager.com *.greenhouse.io heapanalytics.com *.hotjar.com vc.hotjar.io wss://*.hotjar.com wss://ws4.hotjar.com *.intercom.io wss://*.intercom.io uploads.intercomcdn.com uploads.intercomusercontent.com pnapi.invoca.net *.mktoresp.com *.tt.omtrdc.net h.online-metrix.net *.optimizely.com cdn.linkedin.oribi.io https://cdn.linkedin.oribi.io *.perka.com ct.pinterest.com *.qualtrics.com recaptcha.net sentry.io *.sentry.io collection.sperse.io api.thelevelup.com https://analytics.tiktok.com s.yimg.com".
GET https://analytics.tiktok.com/i18n/pixel/events.js?sdkid=C52E31000UN7QUNEUELG&lib=ttq net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
Have you looked into the CSP: https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Content_Security_Policy_Cheat_Sheet.html
and what API are you getting the error in the authorized endpoint, token endpoint, or refresh endpoint
keep getting 404 error message while trying to hit get api
GET https://cloverstatic.com/web/apps/cloverdotcom/_config/prod-na.json?_=1703177475783 404 (Not Found)
SO Clover doesn't use GET for OAuth anymore, and I am unsure what API you are using for OAuth, please follow our guide on this: https://docs.clover.com/docs/refresh-access-tokens
when i am update my USD Marchent Id Expiry Date from this URL its working fine
but when i am trying for CAD it's giving 404 not found the url endpoint
your CAD url is wrong there shouldn't be a ca prefix. please review our environments:
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