
jimmybriggs avatar image
jimmybriggs asked deros published

406 on checkout request in sandbox


I am attempting to test against the sandbox, using the documentation site, the page hangs without response after filling out the required objects. I then moved over to postman and I am getting a 406 back when I try and post for a checkout session.

I believe I have everything needed but I appear to be missing something important to receive a 200

I have shared images in this post. Any suggests are greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.

I have also confirmed my token and merchant ID by successfully calling without any issues:<merchangeID>;

Accept: application/json
X-Clover-Merchant-Id: <merchant ID>
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>
Content-Length: 155


I have tried this same call with the pre-generated sample body:

{"customer":{"address":{"address1":"415 N Mathilda Ave","address2":"Clover","state":"CA","city":"Sunnyvale","country":"US","zip":"94085"},"firstName":"TestFirstName","lastName":"TestLastName","phoneNumber":"6502107888","email":""},"redirectUrls":{"success":"","failure":"","cancel":""},"shoppingCart":{"lineItems":[{"name":"Coke","price":185,"unitQty":1,"itemRefUuid":"NX7VS9CWMR0BT"}]}}



clover2.png (27.5 KiB)
clover1.png (30.8 KiB)
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deros avatar image
deros answered deros published

Having the same issue... Been trying for two days. Trying to get support...

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered jimmybriggs commented

This issue was resolved last night, please try again

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jimmybriggs avatar image jimmybriggs commented ·
I can now get 200 messages back, I can no longer login to the dev account/sandbox where my form is configured with my credentials, when I try to reset my password/setup a new account and enter my email on the website, I receive a message that I will be emailed further instructions in an account exists, however no inbound messages have been arriving when I make these requests. When I use the credentials I setup, they do not work. This is in regards to logging into the developer sandbox dashboard via in order to start setting our callbacks/redirect urls for the test form.

The test form calls with our token return 200 and seem to be working, but now we cannot login to finish configuring the form or test from the clover side.

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