
bste2174 avatar image
bste2174 asked M Mumtaz answered

More tools ability is gone as an admin

Has Clover done an update to not allow admins access to app store? Is there a way that the owner can give access to admins? If anyone can point to the new rules that would help...

App Market
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
I would recommend checking the permissions in the employees app and see if Admins still have access to the App Market
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M Mumtaz avatar image
M Mumtaz answered ammarmalik commented

Finding the best tool can be daunting. Utilize upcomingsai, a free online source, to learn about the latest tools.

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ammarmalik avatar image ammarmalik commented ·

it is a good site, but i like aitoolstoknow because it not only list paid tools but also provides huge collection of free AI tools.

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HostingSpell avatar image
HostingSpell answered

It seems like the ability for admins to access the app store in Clover has changed after a recent update. As of now, Clover may have restricted this feature to only the business owner or super admin for security and management purposes.

To give access to admins, the business owner may need to adjust the roles and permissions settings. Unfortunately, if Clover has made this a permanent restriction, it could be difficult to work around. It’s best to check their official documentation or contact their support for the most up-to-date information about changes in admin permissions and to request the specific access needed.

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mitchelhauck avatar image
mitchelhauck answered mitchelhauck edited

I agree with your point of view. develop Geometry Dash Lite ideas in a stronger way.

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M Mumtaz avatar image
M Mumtaz answered

I agree with your point of view, on viewing AI tools to streamline your tasks.

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