
exit33wash avatar image
exit33wash asked bryanvargas commented

Emailed invoice and customer wants to pay via check?

We have several customers that hold all the invoices for the entire month and then mail us a check on the 1st of the next month. We just switched from Square to Clover and this feature was available through Square. Could the developers please add this feature to where you go into "Customers", and on each line of the outstanding invoices where the "Receipt" icon/tab is, could you add a drop down when you click the icon/tab, to accept payment via check please. Or in "Invoices" where the "Overdue" or "Pending" icon/tab is, add a drop down to accept payment via check please.

Right now, I have to go in and cancel each invoice altogether and then re-ring up the transaction as if the customer is here right now to pay via check. Thank you for your time and look forward to working with you!

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Currently there is no feature for what you are requesting. I recommend contacting Clover Support to send your enhancement request or assist you in an alternative on working with these transactions.

It would be great to inform the customer to pay the invoice online via credit/debit card or by banking account to avoid the extra manual work you are doing.

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