
rcoombs avatar image
rcoombs asked jonyclaber edited

Retail Management Hero intergration with Clover Mini

I'm an ISO with Fiserv North/Nashville and we have a potential merchant using RMH (Retail Management Hero) and they want to integrate it with the Clover Mini. How is this possible?

Clover Mini
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itsgojo44a avatar image itsgojo44a commented ·

Ensure that both RMH and Clover Mini have compatible software and application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow for seamless communication and data exchange between the two systems.

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1 Answer

jonyclaber avatar image
jonyclaber answered jonyclaber edited

Integrating RMH with Clover Mini requires ensuring software compatibility and proper resource allocation. Effective resource management can streamline the process, reducing downtime and optimizing workflow. Using the right tools can help manage technical and human resources efficiently. For a detailed list of top resource management tools, check out this article.

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