
aakashmcoderz avatar image
aakashmcoderz asked eeaaajaa answered

Partial Refund using Android SDK Payment Connector

I want to make partial refund (refund 2 line items out of total 10 lineitems)
I don't see a way to make partial refund request using any SDK documentation, example or any other way.

It is very difficult to find any relevant example as nothing regarding it is properly documented.
Any one from Clover Team Kindly Intervene.


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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Have you tried looking into our Intents to see if there is anything you are looking for:

Historically the payment Connector was used for payment/refund amounts,

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aakashmcoderz avatar image aakashmcoderz bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for the response @bryanvargas

I can see Intents.ACTION_REFUND but that does not seem to work for my use case.

1. I have a specific detail screen (PFA Image for clarity) that displays all lineitems of order.
2. I want to select items to be returned and on clicking on refund, those line items should be returned (As it happens with `Orders` app.)
3. I want all the refund process inside my own app without navigating to any other application because I have a validation weather any item is allowed to be returned or not.


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aakashmcoderz avatar image aakashmcoderz aakashmcoderz commented ·
Hello Clover Team

Kindly Intervene.

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aakashmcoderz avatar image
aakashmcoderz answered

Hello Clover Team
Kindly provide any way to achieve above functionality?
Is it even possible by any way?

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eeaaajaa avatar image
eeaaajaa answered

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