
tonyfilangieri avatar image
tonyfilangieri asked raghudesam edited

Clover Station Duo "MEM_OUT" Error on small display after transactions

I am currently running 8 Station Duo's and all 8 of them are throwing 'MEM_OUT" errors during our lunch services. We transact alot in a very short period of time so restarting the units is causing a problem with our clients. I have contacted Clover support but I have yet to recieve an answer. Does anyone have any additonal information on this error and know if there is a fix or anything I can physically do to recity this error.

Any information would be gladly welcome and I thank you for your time,


Clover Station
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raghudesam avatar image raghudesam commented ·
This will be taken care by an update this Sunday night. Please have the device restart if it happens again in the mean while.
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1 Answer

tonyfilangieri avatar image
tonyfilangieri answered raghudesam edited

Hi Raghudesam, thank you for your response.

I was just going to factory reset all my units as a final attempt to rectifying this issue. Will this software update be prompted at each machine or does it have to be initiated?


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raghudesam avatar image raghudesam commented ·

No need of factory reset, just a manual reboot helps for now.

The devices will be auto updated Sunday night and will be ready by your Monday.

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