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devtools asked bryanvargas edited

Debit card payment rejected in sandbox environment

We’re testing debit card payment in sandbox environment using the Rest Pay Display API (see “Pay” API reference online interactive documentation) and always get the following error :

Transaction Declined: Serv not allowed. Card type cannot be processed on your merchant processing account.


The transaction amount is over 50$ with no cashback option. We have a B2 Canadian Interac test card, and also tried multiple real debit cards as suggested by a Clover employee in this thread, they all return the above error message. Another thread response by the same employee suggests to send an email at (now in order to activate this functionality, I've done that but got no response.

Any idea why debit card payment is not working?

Here’s a request sent to the Rest Pay Display API that returns the error:

curl --location '' \

--header 'X-Clover-Device-Id: C045UT24730906' \

--header 'X-POS-ID: M30WRR3W4V94W' \

--header 'Idempotency-Key: c326f757-040f-42d5-8b41-aa1384e9dc73' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer a30c0b10-8372-############' \

--data '{

"amount": 5100,

"final": true,

"externalPaymentId": "18-981-288-5012"



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