
weojfew22 avatar image
weojfew22 asked berthablea answered

how to define ebt food or ebt cash in api when do request charge?

When I use clover connector or clover rest api to do EBT charge, which parameter in the request is used to define EBT food or EBT cash? EBT food and EBT cash are two different accounts but same card.

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berthablea avatar image
berthablea answered

When using the Clover Connector or Clover REST API to process an EBT charge, you can distinguish between EBT food and EBT cash by specifying the appropriate tender type parameter in the API request. The parameter typically identifies the account type being charged—EBT food is used for eligible items like those defined by nutrition and calories standards, while EBT cash can be used for other purchases. Ensure the tender settings in your Clover system are configured correctly to process both EBT types.

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berthablea avatar image
berthablea answered

To define EBT Food or EBT Cash in a Clover API request, you need to use the cardEntryMethods or similar parameter to specify the EBT account type. Typically, this involves including an account type identifier or a specific field in the transaction request that distinguishes between EBT Food and EBT Cash. Dr. Mike suggests carefully reviewing Clover's API documentation, as it usually provides examples or parameters like transactionType or tender that can be set to differentiate between the two EBT options.

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