
levy avatar image
levy asked pashakorobok Deactivated answered

Account Funding Transactions for Depositing Funds into a New Bank Account

I am looking to create a workflow within our application for consumers to leverage their Debit/Credit card numbers to Fund their newly created bank account. I am not seeing any documentation that speaks to implementing Clover to facilitate this type of transaction. If we are going to host our own Point Of Sale interface for the consumer to input their information, does the Clover API or SDK support an account funding type of transaction? Are there any guides for this? The only thing i've found so far is this GET endpoint (which is NOT available in sandbox for whatever reason). Do I leverage the schema for this to facilitate the type of transaction i'm looking for?

Any/All help would be greatly appreciated.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
AFAIK Clover doesn't support customer bank deposits/funding. The funding API is for merchant funding to see their batch deposits and fees. This is not for customer use. This is not in sandbox because sandbox doesn't batch out transactions or actually process any transactions.
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