
manu avatar image
manu asked parquet76 commented

How to link Hosted iFrame payment with Atomic Order API?

We are using Clover Hosted iFrame solution to collect online payments and using Atomic Orders API to send web orders to the POS.

Is there a way to link the payment collected using Hosted iFrame with Atomic order? As a dummy order is being created in the POS for every payment we collect using Hosted iFrame.

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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 commented

Yes, you need to pay for the order not create a charge. Please read the clover e-commerce documentation - Note, continue to use the atomic order endpoint to create the order, it has more features than the one they mention.

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manu avatar image manu commented ·


Can you please confirm if the following steps are correct?

1. Go to Clover Hosted iFrame -> Enter card information -> Get a token (Do not create a payment charge)
2. Create Atomic Order
3. Pay for the order and use the token from Step 1 as source. []

What is the payment failed. How can we delete the order from the POS?

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 manu commented ·
I would think the order would be created prior to getting a token but yeah, that's right. Why would you want to delete the order? Look at the REST API reference if you need to do that.
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manu avatar image manu parquet76 commented ·
We have an online ordering website. We want to make sure that we only send orders to the POS once a customer successfully pay for their order. Which we were able to do by creating a charge and if the charge is successful only then create an atomic order.

But now we will won't be creating a charge. We have to reverse the order flow. First we have to create an order, and then pay for the order using token as a source. If the payment fails then the POS will still have an unpaid order, which we don't want.

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