
saibrvvarma avatar image
saibrvvarma asked owenpaul answered

Payeezy Merchant Development team need to integrate CloverAPI (loss of business)


I am from from Merchant development team which Integrated the Payeezy gateway several years ago. Recently Payeezy migrated to Clover and Merchant Development team was not aware of the migration. Now we must migrate our code to Clover and it’s a High Priority.

Little background on Existing Payeezy Integration Design on our website:

Step 1: Customer add orders to our internal shopping cart.

Step 2: Proceed to our custom internal payment form where customer will enter with Name, Address and Card details

Step 3: Confirm Payment, On this event using server call we do webrequest to Payeezy API and get the webresponse (REST API endpoint with HMAC KEY)

Step 4: We will show our own custom success page

We do the above with out any external redirects and server to server communications.

We tried doing the same with Clover EcommerceAPI, created Sandbox account. But we are stuck at getting authorization code before getting access token, we tried using the following link but when reading response we are getting HTML with no help. We are using httpclient using .NET framework.

Our PCI compliant website is there for several years and our design idea is we dont want to users to redirect to clover and comeback and lost the session which contains user and card info.

How to Handle This, Any ideas would be greatly helpful?



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itskhabby7044a avatar image itskhabby7044a commented ·

Migrating from Payeezy to Clover can indeed be a significant change, especially when it comes to integrating with the new Clover EcommerceAPI. It seems the primary challenge you're facing is the authorization process and maintaining the user session without any external redirects. Here are some steps and considerations that might help you handle this migration effectively:

  1. Understand Clover's OAuth Flow: Study the documentation thoroughly to understand the OAuth flow of the Clover EcommerceAPI. Ensure that you're following the correct steps for obtaining the authorization code and subsequent access token.
  2. Check API Documentation: Ensure that you are using the correct endpoints and parameters as per the documentation provided by Clover. Sometimes, using incorrect endpoints or parameters can lead to unexpected responses.
  3. Utilize Clover Developer Support: Reach out to the support team or developers at Clover. They can provide you with guidance on the integration process and any specific challenges you might be facing. They can also clarify any ambiguities in the documentation or assist you with troubleshooting specific issues.
  4. Maintain User Session: To maintain the user session without redirecting to Clover, you might need to implement a more complex solution. One possible approach is to use server-to-server communication to handle the authentication process in the background without disrupting the user's session on your website. This could involve using backend technologies to securely communicate with Clover's API.
  5. Consider Security Measures: Ensure that your new integration with Clover also adheres to the necessary security standards and practices, particularly since you are dealing with sensitive customer information during the payment process. Make sure that all communication with the Clover API is done securely over HTTPS and that any sensitive data is handled and stored securely according to PCI compliance standards.

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leannaturcotte avatar image
leannaturcotte answered

Clover Ecommerce API is different from Payeezy API in terms of authentication and authorization. Clover Ecommerce API uses OAuth 2.0 protocol, which requires you to obtain an access token before making any API requests. To get an access token, you need to follow these steps:

• Register your app on the Clover Developer Dashboard and get a client ID and a client secret.

• Redirect your users to the Clover authorization URL with the following parameters: client_id, response_type (code), and redirect_uri (your app's callback URL).

The users will be prompted to log in to their Clover account and grant permission to your app.

• If the users approve, they will be redirected back to your redirect_uri with an authorization code as a query parameter. geometry dash online

• Use the authorization code to request an access token from the Clover token URL with the following parameters: client_id, client_secret, grant_type (authorization_code), and code.

• If the request is successful, you will receive an access token and a refresh token in JSON format.

• Use the access token to make API requests to the Clover Ecommerce API by including it in the Authorization header as Bearer {access_token}.

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stevejobb avatar image
stevejobb answered

Payeezy integrated design is quite popular today. It is important that we choose the most optimal method possible and bring high efficiency

capybara clicker

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elliotzucker avatar image
elliotzucker answered

CloverAPI has special features. It is understandable that it attracts users.

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owenpaul avatar image
owenpaul answered

Proceed to our custom internal payment form where customer will enter with Name, Address and Card details strands hint

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