
bhg1958 avatar image
bhg1958 asked patriciacaballero commented

PayEezy to Clover

Good morning! We are a merchant currently using PayEezy for our credit card transactions. We were informed that we had been moved over to Clover and it sounded like we did not need to make any changes in our operations, but we are a little concerned about that. We have a program that was written internally that makes calls to to first tokenize and then to submit transactions. My questions are:

  • Will all of the tokens we've received from PayEezy carry over to Clover?
    • If not, how can we retokenize them in Clover without having to call each customer to get the card information again?
  • Will the calls to continue to work indefinitely?
    • If not, can you tell me:
      • When will it stop working?
      • The corresponding method I should be using for Clover? I think if you can just get me started down the right path I can figure it out, but I'm confused about where to start...Rest API, Ecommerce API, Semi-Integration, etc.
  • In the last week or two we've been getting declined transactions with the message "Internal Server Error". Does that have something to do with the PayEezy -> Clover transition?

Thank you very much for any help you can provide!

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered patriciacaballero commented

All information about the migration should be covered here:

Payeezy to Clover FAQ

Payeezy to Clover Reference Guide

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bhg1958 avatar image bhg1958 commented ·
Thanks Bryan, I'll check those out.
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bhg1958 avatar image bhg1958 commented ·
Well, most of that was aimed at just setting up the Clover account and using it on the website, but there were a few interesting points, thanks again.
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brokenoval avatar image brokenoval commented ·
Hi Brian. The documentation doesn't specify if/ when 3D Secure will be supported.

Also, do these changes apply to EU merchants using payeezy?

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patriciacaballero avatar image patriciacaballero commented ·

ThanksBrian. Thank you very much for sharing this useful information
geometry dash online

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bhg1958 avatar image
bhg1958 answered

Well this is disappointing! No help from anyone???

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dankinchen avatar image
dankinchen answered dankinchen commented

We make a fairy large amount of transactions and we were told that everything would be fine and the old transactions will work. Well they are failing left and right. We are getting internal server errors, and gateway timeouts.

When we call into tech support we are informed that we need to make the swtich. We got pretty high up the tech chain and found out that when you make a call to Payeezy, they are in turn calling Clover then returning the data back to Payeezy and then back to you.

I have been programming day and night for the last 5 days trying to get us ported over. I am here today trying to GO LIVE and now my app in production cannot authorize. ERRR!

Good Luck, those api keys, multiple endpoints urls, and miss directing documentation can get confusing.


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bhg1958 avatar image bhg1958 commented ·
Thanks Dan, glad to know we're not the only ones in this boat! :-) Good luck to you too!
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bhg1958 avatar image bhg1958 commented ·
So Dan, would you be willing to share some of your experiences/processes/results with me? Probably not right now as it sounds like you are right on the cusp of going live and will want to concentrate on that, but maybe after you have gone live and can sit back and take a breath? I'd love to be able to pick your brain on some of this!
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dankinchen avatar image dankinchen bhg1958 commented ·

I am trying to get my APP to go live since yesterday. I am stuck attempting to get my app approved. What problem do you have?

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bhg1958 avatar image
bhg1958 answered

Lol, where to start! I'm a lowly Visual Studio programmer, our Payeezy code was written by somebody else and I inherited it so I'm probably in way over my head. I kind of get the concepts but putting it into practice is definitely giving me a headache!

To start with, I see where you can create an API token in the Account & Setup for a merchant, but then I also see where you should make a call like:" & ClientId & " & client_secret = " & ClientSecret & " & code = " & AuthCode

to get an API token (which I tried, it returns an OK status code, but I don't see that it actually returns a token. So which do I use?

On a broader scale, would you be willing to provide me with as detailed an outline of what steps to take as is possible? Or even your code? I would definitely be up to paying you something for it!


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dankinchen avatar image
dankinchen answered

There is much to unpack here;

1. What programming language are you using?

2. Are we talking about a web application? I need to be sure.

I was personally use these endpoints located here;

to test that my stuff was working then replicating it in my application. This way I can see the response back from them. In my case I discovered that I did not need to create an application and I was able to do everything with just 2 codes. API Key and API Ecommerce Token.

You have your API Ecommerce Token and now you just need your API Key located here:

I wrote a script in my programming language PHP to authenticate my application for when I went live to retrieve that apikey.

Send me an email at "igotdreams at gmail dot com" and we can screen share and see what you have.

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bhg1958 avatar image
bhg1958 answered

Thanks Dan, that getapikey reference helps! I'll shoot you an email.

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racy avatar image
racy answered concept211 commented

This SDK "clover-ecomm-sdk" for JavaScript appears to broken, yet still mentioned in their docs. The code is so confusing written a years ago to just to confuse someone. It hasn't been updated in quite sometime. Their new API uses the package "api". with no TypeScript support and no telling what's going to break upstream. It gets more confusing as sandbox platform does not match what's in production.

I recommend developers use raw http calls to their APIs rather than use their libraries. Clover has a lot to do before this system is going to liked by new developers.

Clover please:

  • go through docs and update
  • modernize and libraries and make them open source and enlist help from other developers
  • add more sample code for java, c#, go
  • update the sandbox to match production
  • auto setup the sandbox profile and to stream line this process
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concept211 avatar image concept211 commented ·

I agree 100% -- the transition was just awful. And once you finally get everything working with the sandbox credentials and endpoints, then it becomes a mystery how to get your code to work in production. Ended up taking me 2 full days of piecing information together from countless sources to finally get my client back up and running on our custom PHP web app. Exhausting

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grantelliot avatar image
grantelliot answered


I understand your concerns about the transition from PayEezy to Clover. To address your questions:

  1. Tokens from PayEezy may not carry over to Clover. You should contact Clover Support for assistance in migrating existing tokens.

  2. For retokenization without customer card data, Clover Support can guide you on the appropriate process.

  3. Calls to will likely stop working after the transition. You should consult with Clover Support to ensure a smooth transition to the right API method.

  4. The "Internal Server Error" may be related to the transition, so it's crucial to reach out to Clover Support for troubleshooting.

Clover Support will provide the most accurate and up-to-date information for your specific case.

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