
kalen avatar image
kalen asked sabatoi commented

Payeezy Payment Token Migration Path to Clover?

Have a few thousand Payeezy generated tokens that will apparently stop working at the end of the month.

Is there a migration path for these tokens from the legacy Payeezy Gateway to Clover Gateway?

Spent hours on the phone and no one seems to have a clue.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Can you provide a little more details, are you a merchant or a developer?

If you are a merchant please send a secure message of your merchant Id so I can look into this issue with you. Clover should have migrated you over.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
It sounds like this is a developer that has many multiple use tokens stored, for recurring payments, whatever.
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dankinchen avatar image dankinchen parquet76 commented ·
Yes exactly, that is what we have.
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sabatoi avatar image sabatoi bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Hello, we have been notified of the migration as well, and need to know how we will be able to re-charge customer cards that are currently stored in Payeezy. We tried calling support but were not given answers. What steps do we need to take to get this information over?
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bhg1958 avatar image
bhg1958 answered

I would like an answer to this question too. We are a merchant that has been using the gateway to tokenize our customers' credit cards and accept payments. We do not have the credit card information any more as they were tokenized. When we switch to Clover will those tokens still work? Or are we going to have to call each and every one of those customers to re-tokenize them with Clover?

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dankinchen avatar image
dankinchen answered

Somehow Payeezy is getting them to work, but alot of them fail with the "Internal Server Error". I can replicate this Internal Server Error here in the test environment endpoints too! Just pass a card expiration with a year that is expired. The Test Card page in the documentation say to pass in 1970 and guess what "Internal Server Error".

I have 30,000 saved transarmor token cards, I will know by the end of the night if I can get any of them to work and how. Stay tuned....


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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

All information about the migration should be covered here:

Payeezy to Clover FAQ

Payeezy to Clover Reference Guide

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cassiecheeni21 avatar image
cassiecheeni21 answered cassiecheeni21 edited

If you are looking to migrate from Payeezy's payment token system to Clover, here are some steps you might consider: Understand Clover's Payment Integration Options: Clover offers various integration methods for payment processing, including APIs, SDKs, and third-party integrations. You'll need to understand which integration method suits your needs and business model. Review Tokenization in Clover: Clover supports tokenization, which is a secure way to handle payment data. Research how tokenization works within the Clover ecosystem and how it can replace Payeezy's tokenization system. Data Migration: If you have existing payment tokens stored in the Payeezy system, you'll need to migrate this data to the Clover system. This could involve exporting the data from Payeezy and importing it into Clover's tokenization system.

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dankinchen avatar image
dankinchen answered

I need to export my data and import it into clover. How and or where is this feature or tool?

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