
gonogo-dev avatar image
gonogo-dev asked sammueller edited

Pay Endpoint - 504 Gateway Time-Out

Since Friday have been seeing a dramatic increase in the number of 504 Gateway Time-Outs when hitting the Pay API Endpoint. Not seeing anything reported on the status page since Friday, which has since been marked as "Resolved". Can someone please look into this?screenshot-2023-07-30-at-13552-pm.png

REST APIe-commerce apiecommerce
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01928-7325x2 avatar image 01928-7325x2 commented ·

It is Clover :)

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brokenoval avatar image brokenoval commented ·

I'm also seeing a big spike in these, particularly when hitting the Ecomm endpoints:

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talzor avatar image talzor commented ·
same here. had quite a few 504 timeouts today. This has been going on for over a week.
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
I just tested this and it is resolved
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dankinchen avatar image dankinchen bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Can you fix the "Internal Server Error" problem. There is no need for specifics, just have the developers look at the log files of each of their servers!
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brookeford avatar image
brookeford answered brookeford edited

Providing the screenshot of the error can help them pinpoint the problem. It's crucial to address this promptly to ensure the stability and reliability of your API interactions and to receive accurate guidance on resolving the ongoing issue. I hope this may be help you. Live The Orange Life

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sammueller avatar image
sammueller answered sammueller edited

Some common steps that you can try to troubleshoot and fix the error

  • Check the URL and make sure that it is correct and valid.
  • Reload the page or try again later, as the error may be temporary or intermittent.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies, as they may be interfering with the request or response.
  • Disable any browser extensions or plugins that may be blocking or modifying the request or response.getting over it
  • Try using a different browser or device, as the error may be specific to your browser or device settings or configuration.
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