
tecno40 avatar image
tecno40 asked thibaultleconte published

API Print event endpoint is not working

Hi, I'm trying to use the print event endpoint ( I am successfully able to successfully create a print event using the endpoint and get a print event ID back; however, nothing prints on the merchant's terminal. I have the terminal logged in, connected to the internet, and confirmed the merchant is able to load the order I requested to be printed on their terminal screen. I also am able to "reprint" the order via the terminal interface. When I check the status of the print event (, it remains as "CREATED".

Is there some type of setting I might need to change on the merchant's side or some way I can debug how far the print event gets before failing (other than checking the status from the GET end-point)?

Edit: Here's the contents from the API Call


    "orderRef": {
        "id": "PDAMADARQEC64"


    "id": "MC7XR8SQ3CEPY",
    "orderRef": {
        "id": "PDAMADARQEC64"
    "deviceRef": {
        "id": "00000361-cbe1-ffce-e334-3cea912e0723"
    "state": "CREATED",
    "orderSnapshot": "{\"id\":\"PDAMADARQEC64\",\"currency\":\"USD\",\"employee\":{\"id\":\"17SY8SQDYPXJY\",\"element\":{\"id\":\"17SY8SQDYPXJY\",\"name\":\"NICOLE ADAMS\",\"customId\":\"\",\"role\":\"ADMIN\"}},\"total\":1657,\"taxRemoved\":false,\"isVat\":false,\"state\":\"locked\",\"manualTransaction\":false,\"groupLineItems\":false,\"testMode\":false,\"createdTime\":1691517989000,\"clientCreatedTime\":1691517988000,\"modifiedTime\":1691519356000,\"lineItems\":[{\"id\":\"3Q3J14C8PRWGW\",\"item\":{\"id\":\"Z4Y5KTA0328A6\"},\"name\":\"15 Pc Wings Only\",\"alternateName\":\"\",\"price\":1399,\"itemCode\":\"\",\"note\":\"Special Instructions: ;\",\"printed\":false,\"createdTime\":1691517989000,\"orderClientCreatedTime\":1691517988000,\"exchanged\":false,\"modifications\":[{\"id\":\"XVMF3YBG77DMY\",\"name\":\"Bbq\",\"amount\":0,\"modifier\":{\"id\":\"E69NX898NMGYT\"}},{\"id\":\"7AWW6SST4DPYE\",\"name\":\"Ranch\",\"amount\":50,\"modifier\":{\"id\":\"PDNAFDHHXJKJP\"}},{\"id\":\"A8WAK4VF8C96J\",\"name\":\"All Flats\",\"amount\":100,\"modifier\":{\"id\":\"EKHPCYKWRDRSR\"}}],\"refunded\":false,\"isRevenue\":true,\"taxRates\":[{\"id\":\"RRPDPDRBMCTV2\",\"name\":\"Taxes\",\"rate\":700000,\"isDefault\":true}]}],\"payments\":[{\"id\":\"P2HSX17KM2KD4\",\"order\":{\"id\":\"PDAMADARQEC64\"},\"tender\":{\"id\":\"SRHSNG73MQV92\",\"editable\":true,\"label\":\"Spark Ordering\",\"opensCashDrawer\":false,\"enabled\":true,\"visible\":true},\"amount\":1657,\"tipAmount\":0,\"createdTime\":1691517989000,\"clientCreatedTime\":1691517989000,\"modifiedTime\":1691517988000,\"result\":\"SUCCESS\",\"refunds\":[]}]}",
    "createdTime": 1691519445000,
    "modifiedTime": 1691519445000,
    "printTime": 1691519445000
REST APIPrintClover Station
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Is the merchant device in a CustomerFacing mode (USB pay display, cloud display, etc) If it is we currently have an issue where the prints will not fire if the device is in CF mode and we are looking into fixing this.
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thibaultleconte avatar image thibaultleconte bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

We haev the same issue. How did you solve @bryan.vargas @tecno40 ?

Thx for your help.

We have Order Write permission and got a result: SUCCESS in the api repsonse...

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thibaultleconte avatar image thibaultleconte commented ·

how do we know if deveice is in customer facing mode @bryanvm11 ?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ thibaultleconte commented ·
it is based on your app. You should know what type of integration you are using and how it is communicated to Clover. Also if you are trying to print custom orders with modifiers the printEvent will not print because Clover doesn't support custom items with modifiers.
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1 Answer

thibaultleconte avatar image
thibaultleconte answered thibaultleconte published

We haev the same issue. How did you solve @bryan.vargas @tecno40 ?

Thx for your help.

We have Order Write permission and got a result: SUCCESS in the api repsonse...

10 |2000

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