
gonogo-dev avatar image
gonogo-dev asked gonogo-dev commented

API Shows Paid but no payment attached?? Ghost Payment...

Order ID

Shows a successfully paid transaction from Clover E-Commerce endpoint (see response below):

            "_success": true,
            "_data": {
                "id": "2EV93YQ2WM1T4",
                "object": "order",
                "amount": 2954,
                "tip_amount": 300,
                "tax_amount": 259,
                "amount_paid": 2954,
                "tax_amount_paid": 259,
                "currency": "USD",
                "charge": "6N809WJF1HMCY",
                "created": 1679246028000,
                "ref_num": "307800623782",
                "auth_code": "******
                "source": {
                    "address_line1_check": "pass",
                    "address_zip": "*****",
                    "address_zip_check": "pass",
                    "brand": "VISA",
                    "cvc_check": "pass",
                    "exp_month": "*****",
                    "exp_year": "*****",
                    "first6": "*****",
                    "last4": "*****"
                "status": "paid",
                "status_transitions": {
                    "paid": 1679246030214

... but there is no payment attached in the API or Clover Dashboard. Nor is there any record of a payment attempt showing anywhere.

Do you know why this is happening???

REST APIe-commerce apipaymentstate
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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered gonogo-dev commented

I reviewed this and the payment was voided by the user. I would suggest either contacting the merchant to see why it was voided and if they need to reprocess the transaction( if possible)

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gonogo-dev avatar image gonogo-dev commented ·
Hi Brian, thanks for the update. We actually spoke with the merchant and they said they did not void the transaction. We're wondering if there is another app or some AVS settings that is automatically voiding the transaction. Have you heard of anything like this before?
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