Order ID
Shows a successfully paid transaction from Clover E-Commerce endpoint (see response below):
{ "_success": true, "_data": { "id": "2EV93YQ2WM1T4", "object": "order", "amount": 2954, "tip_amount": 300, "tax_amount": 259, "amount_paid": 2954, "tax_amount_paid": 259, "currency": "USD", "charge": "6N809WJF1HMCY", "created": 1679246028000, "ref_num": "307800623782", "auth_code": "****** "source": { "address_line1_check": "pass", "address_zip": "*****", "address_zip_check": "pass", "brand": "VISA", "cvc_check": "pass", "exp_month": "*****", "exp_year": "*****", "first6": "*****", "last4": "*****" }, "status": "paid", "status_transitions": { "paid": 1679246030214 } }
... but there is no payment attached in the API or Clover Dashboard. Nor is there any record of a payment attempt showing anywhere.
Do you know why this is happening???