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Printing Orders from different merchant accounts


The merchant we are working with has 2 clover devices present in a store, however both devices are on different merchant accounts.

The kitchen label printer Epson TM L90 M313C is connected via USB to device A tied to merchant account A.

Is there anyway for orders placed on device B which is a Clover Flex (tied to merchant account B) to be printed on that kitchen printer? A USB connection is not feasible and I'm not sure If the printer can connect over WiFi to the Flex?

Additional info: Our app is a semi-integration solution using Clover Flex with Rest Pay display API. We have our own inventory and order management system but want to use the kitchen printer in the store for order printing. Our app is installed on both merchant accounts so we have access to orders placed on both devices.

REST APIsemi-integrations
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Hey the TML90 is not compatible with the Flex device.
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