
dgshanee avatar image
dgshanee asked

504 Time-Out trying to create a charge

The devs said they fixed the charge 402 Payment Required error, but now it's throwing this:

< html >
< body > < h1 > 504 Gateway Time-out </ h1 > The server didn't respond in time. </ body >
</ html >

For this:

curl --request POST \

--url \

--header 'accept: application/json' \

--header 'authorization: Bearer ###' \

--header 'content-type: application/json' \

--header 'x-forwarded-for: ###' \

--data '


"ecomind": "ecom",

"metadata": {

"existingDebtIndicator": false


"amount": 1200,

"currency": "USD",

"source": "clv_1TSTSHYH47rDbuUqZmyktvmj"



Is anyone else getting the same thing? Thanks!

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