
sethzuz avatar image
sethzuz asked robertquillsion edited

What is the right functional category for an App that implements a custom tender?

I am trying to get my custom tender App approved and the market place entry requires a functional category. None seem to apply. Our custom tender is most like a gift card, but that doesn't seem right.

Our app adds a new way to take payment using a community currency.

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10 |2000

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1 Answer

Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered robertquillsion edited

It's hard to say without more information on your custom tender. The Custom Tender button can be used to launch many different types of app.

10 |2000

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sethzuz avatar image sethzuz commented ·
We allow a merchant to accept payment with a community currency. It is added directly to the register.
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Richelle Herrli avatar image Richelle Herrli ♦♦ sethzuz commented ·
That sounds like something we don't typically allow for Clover App Market, depending on what the community currency is.
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robertquillsion avatar image robertquillsion Richelle Herrli ♦♦ commented ·

I think there are quite a few Sonic exe currencies. Can it calculate the exact number of transactions?

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