
rickholt92 avatar image
rickholt92 asked

Can someone help api issues

01-01-2023 @ 00:28:30 - {"source":"","nonce":"843f4cdba8","response":"Transaction could not be processed, please retry"}

01-01-2023 @ 00:49:13 - {"request":{"amount":25000,"currency":"USD","source":"clv_1TSTSLsaH2RbXRKHciiNZZAJ","capture":true,"description":"Authorize and Capture","metadata":{"shopping_cart":"WP 6.1.1 | WC 7.2.2 | 1.0.5"}},"response":{"status_code":401,"result":"{\"message\":\"401 Unauthorized\"}"}}

e-commerce api
10 |2000

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