
Chris H avatar image
Chris H asked bhuvanmalik007 commented

Paying for a ecommerce charge with the legacy clover api v2

i'm creating a preathorized card charge for an order using the the ecommerce api here:

is it possible to pay the order, once line items have been added using the legacy clover pay api endpoint (v2/merchant/pay) so that i can provide a tip for the employee that may handle the order

e-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered bhuvanmalik007 commented

No. The good news is that both the /charges and /order/pay endpoints allow you to pass a tip (tip_amount). This is new and the change hasn't been reflected in our docs yet. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you (I am not certain if the change has hit sandbox yet).

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Chris H avatar image Chris H commented ·

awesome thanks sir! ill give it a shot

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bhuvanmalik007 avatar image bhuvanmalik007 Chris H commented ·

Hey, did that work for you?

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