
kks-1 avatar image
kks-1 asked

How to Resolve a "Custom Tender Initialization Failure: 500 access to package" for example extensible tender app

I don't understand how to resolve a "Custom tender initialization failure: status code: 500 access denied to package com.example.clovertestapp" after following the example extensible tender app (where I've named my app clovertestapp)

I set Merchant R/W permissions on the dashboard before running the app in Android Studio (which seems to install it on my emulated device). However, when I click the "Initialize Custom Tender" button on this example app, I get the 500 access error above. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling my app

1. Do I have to generate a signed APK, upload to the dev dashboard, and install to test merchant just to create an extensible tender, or is that just for production?

2. I also don't understand the purpose of the following curl command and what it is doing:

 curl --request POST \
  --url '<13-char-merchant>/tenders?access_token=<access-token>' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"labelKey":"<label-set-on-dashboard>", label":"<label-set-on-dashboard","editable":true,"enabled":true,"opensCashDrawer":true,"visible":false}'

I've extensively looked through most of the relevant community questions and the documentation and am still confused about how to proceed to create an extensible tender, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if posting my code or a screenshot somewhere would be helpful to answering my questions

Custom Tenders
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