
bste2174 avatar image
bste2174 asked lisalm edited

Dashboard report printing

Our clients have always been able to go to the transactions screen click on certain date criteria and then right click the screen and click print. This will print all of the transactions for that date range. Today 12-7 the servcie only populates the first page in the print and the rest is not on the subsequent pages. The pages other than the first are blank. if you go into the settings of the printer and minimize the size enough the transactions will populate on page 1 but as you can imagine this is not useful as it is just too small. I think this is a glitch and I'm hoping to have a clover tech be able to fix this...or give us a report that we can run the actual transactions and then print them... I have tried this with PDF printers and two other printers, as well as two completely different computers running in different networks and offices... Please let me know if you need any additional info on this...

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