
vyasnrao avatar image
vyasnrao asked David Marginian commented

Print orders created by the rest api

We are creating orders through the rest api. The orders can be placed successfully and we can view it in the clover POS also.

But how do we send these orders to the printer.

I know this question has be asked before but just wondering if there is a good way of doing that now?

The online orders placed through clover's own online ordering system are successfully printed thought. Assuming they are using the same REST API to do so.

OrdersREST APIPrint
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

The below answer is still current:

We do not have a public API to print an order. You need to have an Android app on the device.

This is not a trivial task as you need to be aware of order syncing issues (your app can't print the order until the order has completely synced). Please see Jeff's answer here for some suggestions for working around this.

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raghavslk avatar image raghavslk commented ·

Ween you say device, is it Clover POS device at Merchant store?

Android app need to be installed on CLover POS device? And can we write logic to print kitchen receipt on that?

Sorry, I am not understanding what it is meant by 'Android App on device'

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ raghavslk commented ·

Yes, we are talking about the Clover device.

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raghavslk avatar image raghavslk David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks for the quick response David.

Are there instructions anywhere on how to achieve this?

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