
farmfreshmarket avatar image
farmfreshmarket asked csiworks published

embedded cost/weight barcode support - as a device

We are a small grocery store trying to make Clover work because it has amazing social media integration and customer engagement. However most of our team can't get past the fact that there is no way to ring up our meat and deli items that are sold by weight and in preweighed variable size packages.

Is there a solution yet? I am guessing it would work like this,

The barcode is scanned and the scanner driver sees it a variable weight prefix and rewrites the barcode to change all the numbers in the second half to 0's. The register app brings up the product, the driver takes the embedded total price in the second half of the barcode, divides it into the stored fixed price of the product, and transmits it to the register app as if it were coming from the scale, the register app shows the weight and computes the price as if it were a regular weight based item. A two step process that becomes somewhat automated with some sort of hook. Does anyone know of a way?

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Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered

Based on the current setup, the Register won't support this requirement, a third party app will be available to do so.

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csiworks avatar image
csiworks answered csiworks published
@farmfreshmarket @Bryanne Vega
Variable Price Barcode Parser is the app that supports this setup.
Link to app on clover market:
Link to video of app in use on YouTube: to 3rd party developer website:
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