I am trying to update the token on a stored card profile, to reflect a new card. I am receiving 500-ISE error code.
code sample:
String PostUrl = BuildUrl + String.Format("/customers/{0}/cards/{1}?access_token=", passMdl.customer.id, passMdl.id) + _envInfo[_chargeToken]; var client = new RestClient(PostUrl); List<object> ctjson = new List<object>(); ctjson.Add(passMdl); var jsonStringify = ConvertModelToJSON(passMdl); IRestRequest reqPost = CloverRequestPOST; reqPost.AddParameter("application/json", jsonStringify, ParameterType.RequestBody); IRestResponse response = client.Execute(reqPost); if (response.IsSuccessful != true) { throw new Exception(response.Content); } created = true;
PostUrl works out to this: https://api.clover.com/v3/merchants/<removed>/customers/<removed>/cards/<removed>?access_token=<removed>
Any help would be appreciated.