
jdeveloper831 avatar image
jdeveloper831 asked jeanettehutchens answered

Want to Create a Customers without order/credit card from third party system


Here's what I've demonstrated that I want to happen (quick infographic below with detailed instructions on how I want it to work):


2 Way Sync between Two Systems.


STEP 1A - Using Manychat screen-shot-2022-03-24-at-85001-pm.png(a chatbot software that connects into Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Email and SMS) that will create a customer profile when interacting on those platforms and is able to record information such as:

  1. SYSTEM FIELD- Contact ID
  2. SYSTEM FIELD- First Name
  3. SYSTEM FIELD- Last Name
  4. SYSTEM FIELD- Gender
  5. SYSTEM FIELD- Email
  6. SYSTEM FIELD- Phone Number
  7. CUSTOM FIELD- Birthday Date Picker [Date]
  8. CUSTOM FIELD- Club Rewards Keyword [Text] –
  9. CUSTOM FIELD- Cumulative Spend (via API/POS) [Number] - of course this is blank, no Order was created.

STEP 1B (Create Mirrored Customer Profile "NO ORDER" in Clover)

Now once that profile is created and all that info is taken from the customer, I want to create a Customer Profile (remember I'm not using a credit card at all yet/not an order, just a mirrored profile with that above info)

  • SYSTEM FIELD- First Name
  • SYSTEM FIELD- Last Name
  • SYSTEM FIELD- Phone Number

STEP 2 (Newly Clover Customer Profile NOW ORDERS - through restaurant site) They use the same below information. Now they use their credit card that will sync to that profile.

  • SYSTEM FIELD- First Name
  • SYSTEM FIELD- Last Name
  • SYSTEM FIELD- Phone Number

Their cumulative spend field in Clover will then be synced with the custom field in Manychat to be saved their every time they spend money.

STEP 3 - Back In Manychat (Updates what is highlighted)

  1. SYSTEM FIELD- Contact ID
  2. SYSTEM FIELD- First Name
  3. SYSTEM FIELD- Last Name
  4. SYSTEM FIELD- Gender
  5. SYSTEM FIELD- Email
  6. SYSTEM FIELD- Phone Number
  7. CUSTOM FIELD- Birthday Date Picker [Date]
  8. CUSTOM FIELD- Club Rewards Keyword [Text] –
  9. CUSTOM FIELD- Cumulative Spend (via API/POS) [Number] - of course this is blank, no Order was created.


I'm positive this can be done just need to know how to get around that required field for the credit card as again we are using Manychat to build our contact list BEFORE they become customers but want to make sure when they start spending money on the site.

That profile has already been created and now is forever connected to their Manychat profile where we are triggering all their marketing messages / automations.

Please let me know what I would use in the API documentation to do what I'm asking as I can't get anyone on the phone at Clover.

@Superdave how best can this work? My developers (I'm the client) say this is possible to do but say how can we do it just creating someone in the system without a credit card yet. Please let me know if that makes sense.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

This post is very long and a bit confusing. My understanding after reading it is that you just want to create a customer in Clover, is that correct. If so, just create a customer via this endpoint (not the ecomm endpoint).

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jdeveloper831 avatar image jdeveloper831 commented ·
Sorry what I want to do in more simple terms is the following:
  1. Someone creates a profile in Manychat (the info for first name, last name, email, phone number)
  2. When all that info is created, a mirrored customer profile is created in Clover (first name, last name, email, phone number) - remember no order has been created, I just want that Clover profile to be linked to ManyChat.
  3. Now that same customer in Clover orders the next day / later date. They use the same name, phone number and email. Once they order, their dollar amount spent will be then sent back to ManyChat.

Does that make sense?

What were running into is that I can't make a Customer Profile because we don't have a credit card

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ jdeveloper831 commented ·

You are using the wrong API. I gave you a link to the API you should be using in my answer above.

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jdeveloper831 avatar image jdeveloper831 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

API that you suggested is required customer credit/debit card info. And we want to create new customer without any card details. Is that possible?


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jeanettehutchens avatar image
jeanettehutchens answered

Thank you for your inquiry! While creating customers without an order or credit card from a third-party system can streamline the onboarding process, we highly recommend utilizing Honista for Windows to ensure smoother integration and management. This tool provides a user-friendly interface, making it easier to implement the system you've demonstrated. With Honista, you’ll get detailed instructions and visual guides to achieve your desired setup efficiently. Be sure to visit and download it to optimize your workflow!

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