
ovyvo avatar image
ovyvo asked David Marginian answered

In the Virtual Terminal, why can't the email receipt box autofill the customers already saved email?

Why can't I automatically have a receipt sent after the virtual terminal transaction? Before the update on the virtual terminal approx 3 weeks ago all I had to do to send a receipt was click "email receipt" -at the end of the transaction-- and it did. Now before I run the transaction with a saved card on a profile --I have to choose that I want an email receipt AND RETYPE OR COPY AND PASTE THE EMAIL INTO THE EMAIL RECEIPT BOX! This is a duplication of work. Why is this happening? I can't find anything about it on these forums and I have already contacted support. How can I make the email receipt box populate with the already saved email in the customer profile with the saved card?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Thank you for the report. We are aware of this issue and have an existing ticket in our system to have it fixed. I can't provide you with a fix date but I will watch the issue and update this post when I have more information.

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