
joan avatar image
joan asked liamsmith12 edited

After reconnection of the internet Clover is frozen.

When the internet is disconnected for a while and then reconnected, the Clover Station is all frozen. Nothing works. I want to know the reason.

Clover FlexClover Stationmaintenance
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

That should not be happening.

If you're a merchant please get in touch with Clover Customer Support. Open the Help app and you'll find the support number there.

If you're a developer, you can grab logcat when it happens and provide me a link I might be able to see something.

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chippers avatar image
chippers answered Brian commented

That just happened to me. I’m looking for an answer as well because when I called support they asked me to reboot my Clover Station Pro several times which I did as well as unplug and replying everything back in and even tried a different outlet. It didn’t work and the screen was still frozen and they advised I needed to buy a replacement???? We haven’t even had it for a year (this also happened to us previously and I can’t remember how we got it to work) and this is the 2nd time support has advised us this. Please help!

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Brian avatar image Brian commented ·

Frozen is normal with clover device. I'm lost many customer with that

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