
Corey avatar image
Corey asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Adding Notes and Modifier to Order there's no webhook to Backend.

When Clover Station Users add Notes or Modifiers to existing Orders they are not being recognized as webhook changes.

End Users sometimes add Notes and Modifiers to an order after the Order Webhook has been triggered.
It's very important that end users see order notes when they come. Allergy warning are put in notes, if a note is missed it could be devastating.

Case 1.

1.Waitress takes order using Clover Station.
2. Order Goes to KDS in Kitchen.
3. Waitress finds out that a customer has peanut allergy and adds a note to the order using Clover Station.
4. Order is not updated by webhook.

Case 2.

1.Waitress takes order using Clover Station.
2. Order Goes to KDS in Kitchen.
3. Customer changes their mind about spice level, waitress adds Spice Level modifier to Order.
4. Webhook is not Triggered.

Is this a bug or do we need to do a feature request for this?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

Case 1: You are saying that the update of an order note does not trigger a webhook, correct? I haven't tested this recently, but are you certain of this?

Case 2: Item modifiers fire via inventory webhooks now. This is a recent change and if you would like to take advantage of this feature you need to uncheck, re-check the inventory webhook (from your developer dashboard) and then save.

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