
smercer avatar image
smercer asked alyx commented

500 on oauth

When trying to follow the oauth instructions from clover. I take the code that is returned from merchangt login and send that back to clover in the appropriate route and getting a 500 error return from that route. here the oauth url is the sandbox base url.

${ OAuthURL } /oauth/token?client_id= ${ appId } &client_secret= ${ appSecret } &code= ${ code }

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Is this happening on Sandbox? In sandbox you can't perform the authorization step. You will need to install the app ( and then trigger the oauth flow by selecting your app from the merchant's dashboard.

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smercer avatar image
smercer answered alyx commented

Yes it is on sandbox but i can oauth in through my app. I found out i was using a post instead of a get and that was the only issue. Thanks

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alyx avatar image alyx commented ·

hey smercer I am having some questions

1)Can you please tell me how to generate OAuth code in the server side because i dont want to use User Interface for that i want it to generate in server side ?

2)I want to deduct money from the server site from client credit card and for every transaction do i have to generate OAuth code for that ?

3) What is the lifetime of )Auth code can it be used for multiple transaction ?

4) Can i drectly do tracsaction using Ecommerce Api token in the server site with out using OAuth code ?

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