
shao avatar image
shao asked shao commented

APP type (Get token from merchant, and call API from firebase cloud function)

I created a food ordering App using flutter, which can build both iOS and Android app.

What I want to achieve with Clover is that after the customer place an order with the merchant who link to their Clover will trigger our app or cloud function to call the Clover create order API.

I have done developing this feature with sandbox mode. Now I am wondering in this case, which type of app should I submit?
Currently, I ask the merchant to grant the permission and get the token using the webview inside the app. And use this token to call REST API in firebase cloud function every time a new order come in.

I think it's most likely the case of REST clients, but it requires me to provide the sire URL. Since I build this app with google firebase and has no website, I don't know how to fill the form.

Hope that I state my problem clearly, and thanks for any help!

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1 Answer

Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered shao commented

The site URL is used as the redirect link from the merchant's Clover dashboard. Every Clover app includes a way to open the app via the Clover merchant account, whether that's via the web dashboard or on the Clover device. If you don't have a website for the merchant to access/use, I'd recommend creating a landing page instructing the merchant on next steps/how to access the app so that they can get set up or modify their settings.

Regardless of whether you currently have a website, you will need a website to host app elements such as the privacy policy and terms of service for your app.

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shao avatar image shao commented ·

Got it, thanks! This helps a lot.

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