
androbar avatar image
androbar asked donutamong answered

HTTP 499 When Activating New Device (Station Pro)

I am a developer (Test Merchant ID: WKW19Q69WW591 ) and I have successfully activated my Flex (2nd Gen) ( C143UT14561260 ) dev kit.

When I try to activate my Clover Station Pro ( Serial # C153UQ14750352 ) I receive an HTPP 499 error stating that the device is not associated with a merchant.

http-499-device-is-not-associated-with-a-merchant.jpgHow do I register the Clover Station Pro device to my Merchant ID so that I can continue with the setup? Going to the "Dev Kits" tab in the sandbox has no option to add devices.

Your help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you

Clover StationDevKit
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

I am trying to be as clear as possible. You need to associate the Clover Station That's it. The Station has no knowledge of the Flex and has no knowledge that you previously associated another devkit. Every single devkit you receive needs to be associated to your test merchant following these instructions.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
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androbar avatar image
androbar answered David Marginian commented

Hello David, As I mentioned in the original post, I have successfully activated my Flex (2nd Gen) ( C143UT14561260 ) dev kit. That is not the problem.

The problem is when I try to activate my Clover Station Pro ( Serial # C153UQ14750352 ) I receive an HTPP 499 error stating that the device is not associated with a merchant.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
All devkits need to be associated to a merchant please follow the steps outlined in the link I provided.
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androbar avatar image
androbar answered David Marginian commented

That is not the problem...
As I stated, my Dev Kit is associated..
I cannot Activate the Clover Station Pro device where I am getting the HTTP 499 error

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
It shows as not being assigned to a merchant on our end. Are you saying you associated this devkit following the steps in the link I sent you? What is your developer id?
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androbar avatar image androbar commented ·

This is my Flex device already Activated


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flex-1.jpg (270.8 KiB)
flex-2.jpg (314.3 KiB)
David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ androbar commented ·

EACH device needs to be associated. You need to follow the steps I linked you to for each devkit you receive.

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androbar avatar image
androbar answered David Marginian commented

This is my Dev ID

1649875209764.png (20.2 KiB)
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Every dev kit you receive needs to be associated to your test merchant. Just because you previously associated a different device does not mean the new device you receive will be associated as well. It has no knowledge of the device you previously associated.
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androbar avatar image
androbar answered David Marginian converted comment to answer

David, I apologize for going in circles, Yes, I have activated the Flex Dev Kit, when I turned on the Clover Station Pro, it will not activate because it is not associated to my Test Merchant ID. How do I resolve this so that the Clover Station can be associated to my ID.. I do not know how to proceed.

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androbar avatar image
androbar answered

My apologies, when I received the units, the handheld device had the sticker stating Dev Kit, the other did not, so I assumed that the other device had to be associated to the Dev Kit. I just realized that each device is a Dev Kit.
Thank you so much for your help and patience.

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donutamong avatar image
donutamong answered

Hello everyone! I've been suffering with the same problem; if you could share your insight, that would be really helpful! However, there were occasions when I was able to complete my thesis writing, so I decided to try this out; it was just what I needed! That was far quicker and the quality was one hundred times better than if I had attempted to create it myself, thus it is highly recommended!

happy wheels game

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