
ismdcf avatar image
ismdcf asked Raymond Lee Deactivated edited

ACTION_SECURE_PAY Compatibilty for Station 2018 & Station

We would like to clarity if ACTION_SECURE_PAY is supported for Clover Station and Station 2018.

We ran the following code on a clover Mini Dev kit and it worked as expected
Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_SECURE_PAY);
intent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_ORDER_ID, order.getTransactionId());
int totalAmount = (int)(order.getTotalAmount() * 100);
startActivityForResult(intent, CLOVER_PAYMENT_REQUEST)
But when we run the same code on a Clover Station 2018 Dev Kit it crashes with the following error
No Activity found to handle intent
{act=clover.intent.action.START_SECURE_PAYMENT(has extras)} 
We came across the following post which say that ACTION_SECURE_PAY is supported on Clover station
and the following post's comment says " equivalent secure payments interface that will run on Station." does Clover Station (old model) and the new Clover 2018 support ACTION_SECURE_PAY.
If it does not support, is there an alternative for ACTION_SECURE_PAY for the above clover models
Clover StationDevKitClover Station 2018
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1 Answer

ismdcf avatar image
ismdcf answered Raymond Lee Deactivated commented
Hi @Raymond Lee
It seems like one of our live merchants are facing this issue with their production clover station 2018,
we checked with the secure app version and found out that it was not matching the one running on our DEV kit station 2018
Device (environment) --------------- Secure Payments app version
Station 2018 (PRODUCTION) -------1.0-165
Station 2018 (SANDBOX) -------------1.0-166

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