I work for a small company that is already a Clover merchant with an existing account. We need a private app to connect our salesforce e-store with our clover merchant account. We've hired a consultant to do this work but cannot seem to figure out how to set-up the users/permissions correctly so that our consultant cannot view our merchant data but can work on the integration. Since we want this app to be private, should we create a developer account (with separate credentials) from our merchant account so they are connected? Or, do we follow the standard process in the developer guides?
1. Have him set-up a sandbox developer account (completely independent of our merchant)
2. Set-up a test merchant that he tests with (also independent of our merchant)
3. Request a production developer account and then only after that's approved connect his private production app to our production merchant account?
Thank you for your help! I'm sorry, I've read a lot of the forums and a lot of the guides and could not tell if there was a different process for existing merchants that just want a private app. We started with creating a developer account from our merchant account, but we used the same e-mail address and in retrospect that doesn't seem correct if we want a different group (from our merchant team) to do the work.