
kumar avatar image
kumar asked kumar commented

Add guest(s) to Non Table Order and Split payment/items to the Guest using clover android sdk

Hello All,

We have a requirement to group items by Guest in an non-table order and do the payment using the split by guest option. I have created the guest and assign the order using set order method. Also used the setBinName method against each line item to assign the guest name . Still, I'm unable to see any items inside split by Guest payment option page and displays empty page. Appreciate your help.


@davidmarginian @Dan

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
I don't know much about this, it might be best for you to create a video of what you are seeing and provide some information on what you would like to see, as well as providing information regarding how you are initiating the payment (intent? What intent? Payment Connector?).
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kumar avatar image kumar David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Sorry for the confusion. My question is how do I add guests to any regular order (Non-table) and split items per guests using clover android ask. Appreciate your help.

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