
thedangler avatar image
thedangler asked thedangler commented

Create Customer Not working Authorization issue


Wondering if something is up with adding a customer with a source ID?

I can get the public token fine, which then I use to create a tokenized card (""). When using the Bearer to create a /charges I get back the cl_token.

When I try to use that card token to create a customer I get an 401 unauthorized. Even why I try to use the ""

Same Bearer in both requests except this one give me there 401 unauthorized.

I'm at a loss as to why my Bearer Token works for /charges but not /customers.

It's also giving me the same Unauthorized error for{mId}/customers

end point too.


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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered thedangler commented

It is working fine. The permissions required for using the EComm API are documented here - General information on troubleshooting Unauthorized errors can be found here -

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thedangler avatar image thedangler commented ·
Hi David.

I followed all those instructions.
My app has the correct permissions.
I'm using the correct OAuth Token for the Bearer ( obviously or else charges wouldn't work)
I'm at a loss to why this is still not working.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ thedangler commented ·
You probably changed the permissions of your app after you installed it. So you need to uninstall and then reinstall the app from your dashboard and then obtain a new token.
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thedangler avatar image thedangler David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Oh ok, so those OAuth tokens do not change when permissions are changed?

So if someone decides to add new features to access more end points you require the merchants to uninstall an app and reinstall to get new OAuth token?

That seems like a huge issue....

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